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'In the beginning was Design'
V. Papanek
We are a product design team sharing a single approach and working principles. We strive to understand our customers in each and every project, in order to create a design that helps to solve their business problems.
The essential part of what we do is creating a product that:
  • Satisfies the customer's needs
    A high-quality design does not only solve problems but also forms new experiences
  • Is targeted on a specific audience
    A product which benefits you commercially should be developed with an understanding of the market in which it will be sold. It is important that the design provides a competitive advantage and communicates clear messages to the target audience.
  • Is developed taking manufacturability into account
    Competent development relies on production technologies available to the customer. We are happy to offer an optimal and economically feasible solution
Our competencies:

Design Research
A successful product is developed with a deep understanding of user needs and interactions with a product. Research is the best tool, that allows delving into the user's experience.
Product Design
Creation of the products is our main passion, for the very sake of which we have teamed up. We develop products from drafts to the preparation of design documentation of the product
Graphic design
Any design is a means of communication. Using the techniques of graphic design, we can bring a clear message to the target audience. Not only does it convey a message, but it also evokes an emotional response